Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

I saw this past week the last 2/3s or so of the Mel Gibson movie: "The Passion of Christ."  I did not see it when it first came out.  It was a conscious decision.  I had heard of its rating and violent content.  I wanted to remain reverent about the Savior's Atonement and last week of His life.  But it has been some years; and so when I saw the show in progress I decided to watch.  To some degree it was something I needed to see.  It was a graphic (overly but probably realistic) display of what He was actually put through.  The blood and pain that he experienced was obviously indescribable and actually killed lesser "men."  But as members of the LDS Church we have additional information about this event.

President Joseph Fielding Smith (I believe) said that mankind as a whole and sectarian religion particularly do not understand that the scourging and crucifixion that Jesus experienced, as horrible as it was, was still not as painful and extreme as that experienced by other men over the history of the earth; that the Atoning Sacrifice was really experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before.  Here, Luke (the Physician), records that Christ bled from every pore with the weight of the sins, weaknesses, disease, and pain experienced by the totality of mankind throughout the human history of the earth.  And to add to our understanding of this event, the Lord Himself was very specific in the Doctrine & Covenants 19:18--"Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—".  (Pres Spencer W. Kimball mentioned that, of course, the Crucifixion was very much a part of, and the culmination of the Atonement.  We don't want to minimize its importance.)

Pres James E. Faust, at the time, 2nd Counselor in the First Presidency, in a Conference Address in gentle tears said, "I wonder how many drops of blood He shed for me?"  (A beautiful anthem has been written on his text since then.)

What a wonder that the glorious resurrection of the Savior brings to us Hope and Joy instead of the horror that He endured for us--a chance to live happy lives and return to Him and Heavenly Father.  We do this while suffering our own heights and depths (our own Gethsemanes, if you will, and Celestial experiences, as well) but nothing compared to what He took upon Himself in our place.  May we be very thankful.  May we seek out those Celestial Experiences by obedience to the commandments, attendance at Church, paying of Tithes and Offerings, magnifying of callings, and frequent Temple Attendance -- that our joys may be great and our Gethsemanes small.  I love you all!! In the name of Jesus Christ. 


Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Most Sacred...

...time of the week is when we are seated at the Sacrament Table renewing our baptismal covenants or in the Temple.  I understand that taking the Sacrament means that we also renew all covenants made in the Temple.  What a sacred weekend this has been and I put it out there so that you can replicate it for yourselves.  I worked in the Temple (Wash DC) yesterday and participated in a duty that I haven't done in a couple of years, namely officiating at a session.  I also got to participate in an "own initiatory" for the first time.  For those unfamiliar with the things of Mormondom, they are sacred ordinances (you can find them in the Bible)  restored to the earth through the prophet, Joseph Smith.

I must tell you that there are so many things that we engage in in this life that are necessary--job, eating, sleeping, travel from one activity to the next--but there are very few things that bring peace to the soul and a direct connection with Heaven. When you discover these, it is worth talking about.  The Temple is one place where this happens.  LDS scholar, Hugh Nibley stated that so many attend the Salt Lake Temple everyday, even before work, that there has to be something there.  He stated that he has been attending all his life.  If he attended five times and nothing happened, he would stop attending! But he has never stopped. He said this near the end of his 95 years.  He said he was never disappointed.  There was always a new spiritual experience to have, a new set of impressions that brought him nearer to his Savior.  I am only 67.  I feel that way now and have always been fulfilled.  I have never been disappointed. 

Today, I took Ava and Sebastian to their ward (Doylestown Ward in the Philadelphia PA Stake) and felt those feelings and impressions all over again--the renewing of covenants witnessed just yesterday.  (I say witnessed because as workers, we don't actually make them.  We are there to guide others through the ceremonies where they make them.)  It is worth the sacrifice of worldly things.  Go to the Temple.  Prepare yourself in whatever way necessary.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

I recently (two days ago) had to decide whether or not to keep an assignment as a Temple Worker or pull out and go with my wife and daughter to a dance competition.  After deciding to go (it is probably the last one in Vicki's life that I can go to; the next one I will be in Arizona instead), I decided that I had made the wrong decision on Friday night.  I felt it was like deciding not to pay tithing "just this once." (...a never, never!)  But than after the experience, I felt differently.  I was so needed because we had the baby, Vicki and Sandra had many responsibilities, plus Vicki was trying to fit in time to study for a Micro-Biology test!  I had time to take the baby and visit a Lancaster school district that was where I got my first teaching position out of college.  It was a very spiritual experience.  I saw a huge, new, as-yet-to-be-occupied Stake Center of the Church in my School District there.  It has taken forty to forty five years for the Branch in Lancaster (on King St.) to grow to three wards!  The building was all completed except for the landscaping.  When I considered what would have been life in Lancaster vs. Philadelphia, I was totally thankful to the Lord for the difficulties and challenges of the big city and how it helped to mold me and my family.  I was also thankful for Sandra and her huge part in what has made up our lives. I was also struck immediately with the thought of "if I were in Lancaster, I would be thinking, 'Philly is getting a Temple!!'" The Lord placed me where there was going to be a Temple!

 Back to the original thought: do I think for one minute that I would not have had a spiritual experience in the Temple.  And what will it be like for everyone when Sandra and I are gone?  They will be fine!  The Lord will see to that if they (you all) make the right decisions.  I am constantly struck by how much we are engaged in Telestial Things every day; and how little we are engaged in Celestial Things.  How we need to change that!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The beginning of a blog for you...

Hi, Family!

As I have studied the scriptures and especially the Book of Mormon throughout my life, I have come to know of the truthfulness of the Gospel and the Restoration of the Kingdom of God in this end-time of the earth.  I am 67 (68 in July!) and have been blessed through study, prayer, and Temple attendance to receive many insights into the Gospel and life.  I hope you will allow me the opportunity to share some of these with you that it may make your lives better, help you live "after the manner of happiness" (see 2nd Nephi 5:27), and ultimately help you to value Eternal Life as much as I do.  

As the difficulties of life constantly press in on us, it is easy to allow our attention to stray from the important things in life.  You may even begin to think those ARE the important things of life.  I assure you they are not.  They are so peripheral! It is only the years, experience they have brought, and the interaction of a loving Heavenly Father and His precious Son, Jesus Christ that have given me this perspective.  These are of great worth.  I hope it will be worthwhile for you.  Thank you for the opportunity to share.  It is because I love you.